HPA is classified as a “processor”. Therefore, we process beehive products. Currently the major products that we process are; Honey, Bees wax and Bee propolis.
These products are supplied to us by the rural farmers. Ultimately, HPA provides a reliable Market to farmers which motivates them to increase production.
In order to build a sustainable production base, HPA also offers support services to the rural bee farmers.
These services include;
Bee keeping is one of the environmentally friendly economic activities ever known. Bee keeping has both forward and backward linkages. While you harness the products, the environment, from which these products are derived, becomes even of greater interest. So, naturally, a bee keeper will be interested in a rich vegetation to ensure good honey production and sustainability of the activity. What this does in the long run is to discourage destruction of the vegetation and promote green cover. People, especially bee keepers, will be encouraged to protect trees, and at best plant special forages that boost honey production. So, why not join us in bee keeping to promote forest cover and reduce global warming?